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Poetry with Strings Attached - Dexter (ME)


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Poetry with Strings Attached - Dexter (ME)

  • First Universalist Church of Dexter 11 Church St. Dexter, ME 04930 (map)

Two poets and two musicians will come together to celebrate Maine’s natural world through poetry and music at the Dexter First Universalist Church (next to Hannaford in Dexter). This special Poetry & Strings program will feature poets Kristen Lindquist and Paul Corrigan reading their work, with musicians Susan Ramsey on violin and guitar and Ruth Fogg on cello. Admission is free with donations accepted.

There is something wonderful about the recitation of poetry and the performance of music that allows each art to stand on its own. But the cross-fertilization that arises when the two are combined is something even more special and uplifting, as these four performers have discovered with their unique program. Inspired musicians can make poetic images soar, transporting the audience by evoking thoughts and feelings beyond the words themselves and adding layers of thought and meaning.

Kristen Lindquist is a poet and naturalist from Camden. Her poetry and other writings have appeared in Down East and the Bangor Daily News, as well as many literary journals and anthologies. She writes a monthly Maine natural history column for and has published three poetry collections; her book TRANSPORTATION was a finalist for the 2012 Maine Literary Award.

Paul Corrigan, from Millinocket, is a poet and essayist who has worked as a Baxter Park Ranger, a high school English teacher, and a whitewater rafting guide. His poems, essays, and stories are inspired by his lifelong love of the Maine woods. His poems have appeared in such publications as the Maine Times, Yankee, and the anthology MAINE SPEAKS, which is used statewide in the public schools.

Susan Ramsey shares her love of music around New England with folksinger / songwriter David Mallett and as the violinist for the touring chamber ensemble Highlands Classical. She also composes and arranges sacred and secular music for the North Country Strings. With a degree in music from Smith College, Susan directs the Foxcroft Academy String Program, operates a private music studio, and serves as Music Director for the Methodist Church in Dover-Foxcroft. The beauty of Maine inspires her to teach, perform, and compose music.

Ruth Fogg is also a member of the Highlands Classical ensemble and performs regularly with Susan as the North Country Strings. Currently a cello teacher in addition to being a performer, she started playing the cello at the age of nine. As a member of the Greater Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra, she studied with BSO cellist Mischa Nieland.

Earlier Event: August 20
Haiku at Hewnoaks - Workshop