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FOMCI Bird Walk at Beech Hill Preserve


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FOMCI Bird Walk at Beech Hill Preserve

  • Beech Hill Preserve 316 Beech Hill Road Rockport, ME, 04856 United States (map)

Kristen will lead a bird walk on Beech Hill Preserve as part of the Friends of Maine Coastal Islands’ (FOMCI) spring series of local bird outings. Part of the Maine Birding Trail, Beech Hill hosts breeding populations of Savannah and Field Sparrows, Eastern Towhees, Eastern Bluebirds, and more! We will meet at the Upper Trailhead and walk up to the summit through the blueberry barrens.

This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required to participate. For a full list of all the walks in the series, and/or to register for this one, please visit the FOMCI website’s Events page. (Binoculars are available to borrow—simply request them on your registration form.)

The outing is free, but please consider making a donation to FOMCI to support future programs like this one!